Creating discussion board in five weeks — week five
Last week whooo hooo! 🎉 We have worked really really hard for the past couple of of weeks, but the last week especially. We needed to finalise features, polish everything, create landing page, make sure everything is working, finalise documentation, host application.
Detailed Analysis
Landing page
I’ve worked on our landing page. I’ve created design in sketch and then created fully responsive landing page for our project with animations and video.
Finalising colour scheme
We finalised the colour scheme or the app.
Creating avatars based on name
Create avatars based on the capitalised first letter of the name. The background colour depends on the first username’s letter.
Finalising documentation
Documentation is a masterpiece! Definitely check it out, if you want to get inspiration for very detailed and beautiful documentation.
Creating demo video and final presentation
Check it out — here — and let us know what do you think!
Milestone Reflections
Our discussion board, that we have been creating for the past 5 weeks is up and running. Please, check it out on and let us know what do you think. Also, if you want to check out the repo —