Creating discussion board in five weeks — week four
I should describe week four in 3 words it would be “busy productive super-eventful”. We have worked really really hard for the past couple of days and the application has come together very nicely. Of course, there are final touches we need to work on, but other than that, the app is pretty usable.
So what have we completed? We have worked on (and completed):
- Fully functional navigation with dynamic rendering
- Fully functional spaces, threads and comments
- Fixed functionality of ‘Create new organisation’ and ‘Create new space’ modal
- New functionality: Is user caught up with all comments
- User profile page with possibility to change username and update password
- Restructure data models to accommodate new needs
This week was very challenging due to the lack of time. Flu season in Europe has ‘cost us’ 4 man-days. Which is in this short project a lot. But I think that team dedication really showed up. And everyone, who felt ‘not that sick anymore’ jumped in and worked on the project as soon as possible.
Detailed Analysis
Fully functional threads and comments screen
I’ve worked on screen for threads which includes following tasks:
- Display comments associated with the thread
- Linking of comments
- Editing of the comments + showing if/when was comment edited (only for user’s own comments)
- Deleting of the comments (only for user’s own comments)
- Marking of comments as decision
- Adding comments
Fixed functionality of Create new organisation modal
I was working on fixing of the functionality and polishing create new organisation modals via which user can create new (and as many as wanted) organisations.
New functionality: Is user caught up with all comments
For each user that has access to thread we store information about last time they have been in the thread. We also store information about when the last comment occurred in thread. And finally we compare these two timestamps and display if the user has seen all comments or not.
Restructure data models to accommodate new needs
Based on the new functionalities, we had to slightly modify our data models to accomodate new needs.
Milestone Reflections
I’ve worked on creation of fully functional spaces, threads and comments which includes displaying of the comments associated with the thread, liking of comments, editing of the comments + showing if/when was comment edited (only for user’s own comments), deleting of the comments (only for user’s own comments), marking of comments as decision and adding comments. I’ve also worked on fixing of the create new organisation modal. I’ve added full new functionality — checking if user is caught up with all comments.