Creating discussion board in five weeks — week three
Past sprint felt very very short. That is mainly because on Monday, it was a European holiday and I was travelling (and I couldn’t work). Therefore we’ve worked only 4 days and I definitely think, that 1 day extra would be helpful.
So what have we completed? We have worked on (and completed):
- UI of the main navigation that is connected to firestore
- UI of home screen connected to firestore
- UI of the sidebar with on-boarding modals
- UI of the modals that walk user trough creation of the new organisation
- UI and functionality of modals to create new threads
- Restructure data models and filling up database with new mock data
This week was very challenging due to the lack of time. Having 20% less time to complete the whole frontend (styling + connecting to firestore) of the app is definitely challenging. However, I really appreciate our team, because everyone is working very hard and everyone is willing to work on the project outside the “normal” hours.
Detailed Analysis
UI of home screen connected to firestore
I worked on the home screen of our discussion board. As components that are used in the home screen are going to be frequently used, I made sure that all of them/most of them are reusable. I was following Thinking in React and firstly created static site*.* When UI matched the design, I started to work on connecting home screen to data stored in firestore via react-redux-firestore.
UI of the modals that walk user trough creation of the new organisation
To be completely honest, I didn’t think that to create these modals is going to take so much time. However, I truly enjoyed it because I learned a lot.
Modals are managed by redux state. Information from all of them are collected in the main component and sent to firestore with the click on “finish button” on last modal. As a user, you can add as many email addresses, as you want. And can always go back and already filled information are going to be always present in modals.
Restructure data models and filling up database with new mock data
When creating home screen and modals, we realised that our data models need small change. We were storing email addresses and ids of users and admins in arrays containing an object with email and id. We decided, that for better search-ability and usability, we need to change the data model and create separate arrays for each item.
Milestone Reflections
I’ve worked on home screen and created reusable components that now can be used for creation of the spaces. I’ve also created modals that walk user trough creation of the new organisation. Lastly, I worked on restructuring of data models.